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 Featured Artist: 

 Kenneth James Hall 


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Adult Painting

    • March 29, 2025
    • 10:30 AM - 3:00 PM
    • North Hills Art Center
    • 0

    Registration deadline: March 26

    Ages 16+

    The morning will focus on the use of color, shape, value, and perspective. Basic drawing and demonstrations will be given along the way. The afternoon will focus on problem solving and project time. References of trees and water will be available, but feel free to bring your own. Students must have some knowledge of watercolor paints to attend. Students are responsible for their own supplies and encouraged to bring a lunch or snack. 

    Instructor: James Warmbrodt

    Date: Saturday 3/29

    1 session

    Time: 10:30 am - 3:00 pm

    Because this class is after office hours, please use the red side door to enter.

    Materials List: 

    - Paints and brushes: Bring what you have.

    - Paper: Please bring good quality.

    - Jar for water

    - Paper towels

    - Spray bottle

    - Pencil and eraser

    References will be available or you can bring your own for the project.

    Cancellation Policy: Registrations may be cancelled up to seven days before the start of class by contacting the office. Cancellation of this class will result in a $25 cancellation fee, to be deducted from the refund amount.

    • March 29, 2025
    • 1:30 PM - 4:00 PM
    • North Hills Art Center
    • 5
    Registration is closed

    Registration deadline: March 22

    Ages 16+

    Embark on a creative journey that merges the ancient art of Gyotaku printing with the expressive medium of watercolor painting. In this class you'll learn the ancient art of Gyotaku (fish printing) then add vibrant color and depth with watercolors. You'll learn how to blend washes, create luminous highlights and enhance your print with brush strokes. All materials included. 

    Instructor: Sheila Hawthorne Klotz

    Date: Saturday 3/29

    1 session

    Time: 1:30 - 4:00 pm

    Because this class is after office hours, please use the red side door to enter.

    Cancellation Policy: Registrations may be cancelled up to seven days before the start of class by contacting the office. Cancellation of this class will result in a $25 cancellation fee, to be deducted from the refund amount.

    • March 31, 2025
    • May 05, 2025
    • 6 sessions
    • North Hills Art Center
    • 3
    Registration is closed

    Registration deadline: March 24

    Ages 18+

    Douglas Brown paints with a focus on controlled realism, and you can learn the secrets of his technique. Each class will start with a short demo of the subject of the week. Students will receive individual attention and will work at his or her own pace. Some watercolor knowledge recommended. 

    Materials list here. If you have your own supplies, feel free to bring them to class instead. Watercolor Kits are available through the NHAC - Order by registration deadline.

    If you regularly attend this class, please note there has been a time change. 

    Instructor: Douglas Brown

    Dates: Mondays 3/31 - 5/5

    6 sessions

    Time: 10:30 am  - 1:30 pm New time!

    Cancellation Policy: Registrations may be cancelled up to seven days before the start of class by contacting the office. Cancellation of this class will result in a $25 cancellation fee, to be deducted from the refund amount.

    • April 01, 2025
    • May 06, 2025
    • 6 sessions
    • North Hills Art Center
    • 0
    Registration is closed

    Registration deadline: March 25

    Ages 18+

    Explore oil and acrylic painting in a relaxed atmosphere. Experienced painters can work to develop their personal style or try a new technique. New artists will be taught the basics of composition, color theory, and painting techniques. Paint from a provided still life or bring a photo/picture to paint. Each class includes demos and individual instruction. Materials list can be found below or if you have your own supplies, feel free to bring them to class instead. Oil and Acrylic Kits available through the NHAC and can be picked up the first day of class.  Must order one week prior: 

    Oil Kit

    Acrylic Kit

    Materials List

    Instructor: Kim Freithaler

    Dates: Tuesdays 4/1 - 5/6

    6 sessions

    Time: 10:00 am - 12:30 pm

    Cancellation Policy: Registrations may be cancelled up to seven days before the start of class by contacting the office. Cancellation of this class will result in a $25 cancellation fee, to be deducted from the refund amount.

    • April 02, 2025
    • May 07, 2025
    • 6 sessions
    • North Hills Art Center
    • 0
    Registration is closed

    Registration deadline: March 26
    Please note: Ages 21+

    Explore oil and/or acrylic painting in a relaxed atmosphere while enjoying a glass of wine. It's optional, but you can bring your favorite wine to share. Seasoned painters can work to develop their personal style or try a new technique. New artists will learn the basics of composition, color theory, and painting techniques. Paint from a provided still life or bring a photo/picture to paint.

    Materials list can be found below or if you have your own supplies, feel free to bring them to class instead. Oil and Acrylic Kits available through the NHAC and can be picked up the first day of class. Must order one week prior:

    Oil Kit

    Acrylic Kit

    Materials List

    Instructor: Kim Freithaler

    Dates: Wednesdays 4/2 - 5/7

    6 sessions

    Time: 6:30 pm - 9:00 pm

    Because this class is after office hours, please use the red side door to enter.

    Cancellation Policy: Registrations may be cancelled up to seven days before the start of class by contacting the office. Cancellation of this class will result in a $25 cancellation fee, to be deducted from the refund amount.

    • April 05, 2025
    • May 03, 2025
    • 4 sessions
    • North Hills Art Center
    • 4

    Registration deadline:  March 29

    Ages 18+

    Consider taking A-204.2 if this class is full!


    During this 4 week course, students will learn the different paint styles and how to work with acrylic or oil paint. The class will focus on blending paint and the beginning phases of perspective in a painting.


    Instructor: Jamie Monaghan 

    Dates: Saturdays 4/5 - 5/3

    4 sessions 

    NO CLASS ON 4/19

    Time: 2:00 pm - 4:30 pm

    Because this class is after office hours, please use the red side door to enter.

    Materials List:

    For paint, you can use oil or acrylic. The list of colors I teach with are:

    - Titanium White

    - Mars Black

    - Raw Umber

    - Burnt Sienna

    - Alizarin Crimson

    - Naphthol Crimson

    - Cobalt Blue

    - Phthalocyanine Blue

    - Yellow Ochre

    - Cadmium Yellow Deep or Medium Hue

    For your brushes, please be sure to get brushes with a good spring to it and a variety of sizes. The types I use most in my classes are listed below, but feel free to get all types if you would like.

    - Angled

    - Flat

    - Filbert

    - Round

    Additionally, please bring a glass or paper palette.

    If you are painting in oils, you will need linseed oil or lean medium.

    Cancellation Policy: Registrations may be cancelled up to seven days before the start of class by contacting the office. Cancellation of this class will result in a $25 cancellation fee, to be deducted from the refund amount.

    • April 06, 2025
    • 10:00 AM - 12:30 PM
    • North Hills Art Center
    • 3

    Registration deadline: March 31

    Ages 16+

    Whether you are just starting out or looking to hone existing skills, this workshop offers tools to help you gain more control in your work.  We will learn basic watercolor physics, practice 3 foundational wash techniques and learn to avoid the watercolorist's most common pitfall.

    Instructor: Saige Runyan

    Date: Sunday 4/6

    1 session

    Time: 10:00 am - 12:30 pm


    The following materials are suggestions, and do not need to be followed to the letter. Bring what you have. You will get the best experience out of the workshop if your materials are fairly similar. This is also a decent starting kit for watercolor painting in general.

    I recommend shopping online at Blick Art Materials, Cheap Joe's Art Stuff, or Jerry's Artarama, as they will have the best prices. Alternatively, you should be able to find these supplies on Amazon or at any art supply store.

    Feel free to contact the art center if you have questions.

    • Large round watercolor brush (such as size 12).
    • 11"x14" sheet of 100% cotton cold or rough press watercolor paper. Although it can be pricey, quality watercolor paper will make wash control significantly easier. I usually use Arches cold press 140 lb paper. For the best value, purchase a full sheet (22"x30") and I can show you how to tear it down to the desired size.
    • Watercolor mixing palette.
    • Pencil and eraser.
    • 1" roll of masking or painter's tape.
    • Watercolor paint in the primary colors (red, blue, and yellow). Pans work just fine, but tubes provide more paint for the price, and may be squeezed into empty pans to dry. For example:
      • Indian Yellow (a warm yellow)
      • Pyrrol Scarlet (a warm red)
      • Cobalt Blue (a neutral blue)

    For examples of appropriate materials, click here.

    Because this class is after office hours, please use the red side door to enter.

    Cancellation Policy: Registrations may be cancelled up to seven days before the start of class by contacting the office. Cancellation of this class will result in a $25 cancellation fee, to be deducted from the refund amount.

    • April 06, 2025
    • April 13, 2025
    • 2 sessions
    • North Hills Art Center
    • 5

    Registration deadline: March 30

    Ages 18+

    Also consider the second session!

    Learn how to make beautiful, artistic books that can become journals, sketchbooks, albums and more. This is not a scrapbooking class. Beginner Bookbinding will explain what tools are necessary, what's nice to have and what will work for books. You'll learn how to determine what materials to use and how to handle them. Basic paper folding, building a punching cradle and simple sewn books will all be covered.  You will leave with books, handouts and both local and online resources for future projects. All materials included.

    Instructor: Lily Hoy

    Dates: Sundays 4/6 & 4/13


    Time: 1:30 pm - 4:00 pm

    Because this class is after office hours, please use the red side door to enter.

    Cancellation Policy: Registrations may be cancelled up to seven days before the start of class by contacting the office. Cancellation of this class will result in a $25 cancellation fee, to be deducted from the refund amount.

    • April 07, 2025
    • May 05, 2025
    • 5 sessions
    • North Hills Art Center
    • 11

    Registration deadline: March 31

    Ages 12-14

    Consider C-208.2 if this class is full!

    In this class, students will work with a minimal palette and continue to create their own colors while learning how to control the temperature of the painting. They will learn about different brush techniques and how to create a painting with depth. Students will also learn how to blend and create perspective. They will paint 2-3 paintings inspired by their own creativity during this 6 week course. All materials included.

    Instructor: Jamie Monaghan 

    Dates: Mondays 4/7 - 5/5

    5 sessions

    Time: 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm

    Because this class is after office hours, please use the red side door to enter.

    Add a 1-year Student Membership -just $25! and choose member pricing now!

    Cancellation Policy: Registrations may be cancelled up to seven days before the start of class by contacting the office. Cancellation of this class will result in a $25 cancellation fee, to be deducted from the refund amount.

    • April 07, 2025
    • May 12, 2025
    • 6 sessions
    • North Hills Art Center
    • 7

    Registration Deadline: April 2

    Ages 16+

    Unleash your creativity while spending a relaxing evening painting.  We will explore the possibilities and challenges which watercolors present as we use different techniques to depict a variety of subjects.  Instructor will five a demonstration each week and provide individual attention. All skill levels welcome.  Materials list below or bring supplies you have. Watercolor Kits available through the NHAC - order by the registration deadline.

    Instructor: James Warmbrodt

    Dates: Mondays 4/7 - 5/12

    6 sessions

    Time: 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm

    Because this class is after office hours, please use the red side door to enter.

    Materials List:

    Students are encouraged to use materials already in their possession and to replenish supplies, using this list as a guide:

    Paper: 140 lb. cold-pressed (9x12 or larger)

    Brushes: flat tipped (1/2” or larger); round (varying sizes, at least one large and one small)

    Paints: (tubes not cakes; student grade or artist grade) ultramarine blue; Prussian blue; burnt sienna; raw sienna; cadmium red; cadmium yellow

    Painting surface: drawing board; Masonite board; watercolor block


    Soft eraser

    Hair dryer

    Masking tape

    Cancellation Policy: Registrations may be cancelled up to seven days before the start of class by contacting the office. Cancellation of this class will result in a $25 cancellation fee, to be deducted from the refund amount.

    • April 09, 2025
    • May 14, 2025
    • 6 sessions
    • North Hills Art Center
    • 6

    Registration deadline:  April 2

    Ages 16+


    Painting with watercolors is such a fluid and exciting process. We will explore the unique qualities of watercolors as we create our paintings. All skill levels welcome as we review the supplies and processes to complete works of art. Students will be able to work along with the instructor, as well as work on individual projects. We will master a variety of watercolor techniques. 

    Materials list below.


    Instructor: Diane Pontoriero


    Dates: Wednesdays 4/9 - 5/14

    6 sessions 

    Time: 10:00 am - 12:00 pm

    Materials list:

    - Tube watercolors with color names

    - Watercolor paper (140 lb. weight)

    - Round and flat watercolor brushes

    - Palette

    - Any other supplies you have

    Click here to purchase a watercolor kit!

    Cancellation Policy: Registrations may be cancelled up to seven days before the start of class by contacting the office. Cancellation of this class will result in a $25 cancellation fee, to be deducted from the refund amount.

    • April 09, 2025
    • April 23, 2025
    • 3 sessions
    • North Hills Art Center
    • 1

    Registration deadline: April 2

    Ages 16+

    In this 3 week class, we will explore the Impressionist style of Renoir and his floral paintings. We will create a floral painting in the impressionist style using both brushes and painting knives.  Bring your acrylic or oil painting supplies and a 16 x 20 canvas. Instructor: Diane Pontoriero

    Dates: Wednesdays 4/9 - 4/23


    Time: 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm

    Cancellation Policy: Registrations may be cancelled up to seven days before the start of class by contacting the office. Cancellation of this class will result in a $25 cancellation fee, to be deducted from the refund amount.

    • April 13, 2025
    • 10:00 AM - 12:30 PM
    • North Hills Art Center
    • 3

    Registration deadline: April 6

    Ages 16+

    In this focused workshop, we will explore color mixing and color theory so that you can feel confident in creating harmonious and intentional color palettes in your work.  See the color wheel in a whole new way and discover the full spectrum of hues you can create using only three pigments. 

    Instructor: Saige Runyan

    Date: Sunday, 4/13

    1 session

    Time: 10:00 am - 12:30 pm


    The following materials are suggestions, and do not need to be followed to the letter. Bring what you have.

    I recommend shopping online at Blick Art Materials, Cheap Joe's Art Stuff, or Jerry's Artarama, as they will have the best prices. Alternatively, you should be able to find these supplies on Amazon or at any art supply store.

    Feel free to contact the art center if you have questions.

    • Watercolor brush. A 1/2" flat brush works well, or around a size 10 round.
    • 11"x14" sheet watercolor paper.
    • Watercolor mixing palette.
    • Pencil and eraser.
    • Watercolor paint in the primary colors (red, blue, and yellow). Pans work just fine, but tubes provide more paint for the price, and may be squeezed into empty pans to dry. For example:
      • Indian Yellow (a warm yellow)
      • Pyrrol Scarlet (a warm red)
      • Cobalt Blue (a neutral blue)

    For examples of appropriate materials, click here.

    Because this class is after office hours, please use the red side door to enter.

    Cancellation Policy: Registrations may be cancelled up to seven days before the start of class by contacting the office. Cancellation of this class will result in a $25 cancellation fee, to be deducted from the refund amount.

    • April 17, 2025
    • April 24, 2025
    • 2 sessions
    • North Hills Art Center
    • 9

    Registration deadline: April 10

    Ages 16+

    Discover the freedom of abstract expressionism in acrylic painting.  Explore the boundless possibilities of form, color and texture as you create dynamic compositions that engage the imagination.  Through guided exercises and experimentation, learn to harness the spontaneity of the acrylic medium to convey emotions and ideas. Both beginners and experienced painters will find a supportive environment for exploration and growth. All materials included. 

    Instructor: Sheila Hawthorne Klotz

    Date: Thursdays 4/17 & 4/24

    2 sessions

    Time: 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm 

    Cancellation Policy: Registrations may be cancelled up to seven days before the start of class by contacting the office. Cancellation of this class will result in a $25 cancellation fee, to be deducted from the refund amount.

    • April 30, 2025
    • May 14, 2025
    • 3 sessions
    • North Hills Art Center
    • 0
    Join waitlist

    Registration deadline: April 23

    Ages 16+

    Helen Frankenthaler was a contemporary American artist working in the abstract, color field style. She turned landscapes into design composition, with a focus on color relationships and design principles.  Bring an landscape reference, your painting supplies and a 16 x 20 canvas and will will turn your landscapes into abstract compositions.

    Instructor: Diane Pontoriero

    Dates: Wednesdays 4/30 - 5/14


    Time: 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm

    Cancellation Policy: Registrations may be cancelled up to seven days before the start of class by contacting the office. Cancellation of this class will result in a $25 cancellation fee, to be deducted from the refund amount.

    • May 01, 2025
    • May 08, 2025
    • 2 sessions
    • North Hills Art Center
    • 8

    Registration deadline: Jan 30

    Ages 16+

    In this class, you'll explore techniques that emphasize capturing the essence of your subject matter rather than precise details. Through guided instruction and hands-on practice, you'll learn to create vibrant and atmospheric paintings that evoke mood and emotion. All materials included. 

    Instructor: Sheila Hawthorne Klotz

    Date: Thursdays 5/1 & 5/8

    2 sessions

    Time: 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm

    Cancellation Policy: Registrations may be cancelled up to seven days before the start of class by contacting the office. Cancellation of this class will result in a $25 cancellation fee, to be deducted from the refund amount.

    • May 02, 2025
    • June 06, 2025
    • 6 sessions
    • North Hills Art Center
    • 7

    Registration deadline:  April 25

    Ages 16+


    Watercolor is a luminous, challenging, and rewarding medium.  Its apparent unpredictability can be both intriguing and frustrating; but there is a science behind the magic! Come study watercolor physics and learn valuable techniques and work individually with the instructor to develop your practice. All levels welcome.


    Instructor: Saige Runyan


    Dates: Fridays 5/2 - 6/6

    6 sessions 

    Time: 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm


    The following materials are suggestions, and do not need to be followed to the letter. Bring what you have. This is also a decent starting kit for watercolor painting in general.

    I recommend shopping online at Blick Art Materials, Cheap Joe's Art Stuff, or Jerry's Artarama, as they will have the best prices. Alternatively, you should be able to find these supplies on Amazon or at any art supply store.

    Feel free to contact the art center if you have questions.

    • Large round watercolor brush (such as size 12).
    • Medium round watercolor brush (such as size 8).
    • Small round watercolor brush (such as size 2).
    • Cold or rough press watercolor paper, preferably 100% cotton. Although it can be pricey, quality watercolor paper will make wash control significantly easier. I usually use Arches cold press 140 lb paper. For the best value, purchase in full sheets (22"x30") and I can show you how to tear it down to the desired size.
    • Watercolor mixing palette.
    • Water jar. I often use a cleaned-out pasta sauce jar.
    • Pencil and eraser.
    • 1" roll of masking or painter's tape.
    • Watercolor paint in at least the primary colors (red, blue, and yellow). Pans work just fine, but tubes provide more paint for the price, and may be squeezed into empty pans to dry. For example:
      • Indian Yellow (a warm yellow)
      • Pyrrol Scarlet (a warm red)
      • Cobalt Blue (a neutral blue)

    For examples of appropriate materials, click here.

    Click here to purchase a watercolor kit!

    Cancellation Policy: Registrations may be cancelled up to seven days before the start of class by contacting the office. Cancellation of this class will result in a $25 cancellation fee, to be deducted from the refund amount.

    • May 03, 2025
    • May 10, 2025
    • 2 sessions
    • North Hills Art Center
    • 12

    Registration deadline: April 26

    Ages 16+

    Embark on a creative journey that merges the ancient art of Gyotaku printing with the expressive medium of watercolor painting. In this class you'll learn the ancient art of Gyotaku (fish printing) then add vibrant color and depth with watercolors. You'll learn how to blend washes, create luminous highlights and enhance your print with brush strokes. All materials included. 

    Instructor: Sheila Hawthorne Klotz

    Date: Saturday 5/3 & 5/10

    2 sessions

    Time: 1:30 - 3:30 pm

    Because this class is after office hours, please use the red side door to enter.

    Cancellation Policy: Registrations may be cancelled up to seven days before the start of class by contacting the office. Cancellation of this class will result in a $25 cancellation fee, to be deducted from the refund amount.

    • May 10, 2025
    • May 31, 2025
    • 4 sessions
    • North Hills Art Center
    • 10

    Registration deadline:  May 3

    Ages 18+


    During this 4 week course, students will learn the different paint styles and how to work with acrylic or oil paint. The class will focus on blending paint and the beginning phases of perspective in a painting.


    Instructor: Jamie Monaghan


    Dates: Saturdays 5/10 - 5/31

    4 sessions 

    Time: 2:00 pm - 4:30 pm

    Because this class is after office hours, please use the red side door to enter.

    Materials List:

    For paint, you can use oil or acrylic. The list of colors I teach with are:

    - Titanium White

    - Mars Black

    - Raw Umber

    - Burnt Sienna

    - Alizarin Crimson

    - Naphthol Crimson

    - Cobalt Blue

    - Phthalocyanine Blue

    - Yellow Ochre

    - Cadmium Yellow Deep or Medium Hue

    For your brushes, please be sure to get brushes with a good spring to it and a variety of sizes. The types I use most in my classes are listed below, but feel free to get all types if you would like.

    - Angled

    - Flat

    - Filbert

    - Round

    Additionally, please bring a glass or paper palette.

    If you are painting in oils, you will need linseed oil or lean medium.

    Cancellation Policy: Registrations may be cancelled up to seven days before the start of class by contacting the office. Cancellation of this class will result in a $25 cancellation fee, to be deducted from the refund amount.

    • May 12, 2025
    • June 16, 2025
    • 5 sessions
    • North Hills Art Center
    • 12

    Registration deadline: May 5

    Ages 12-14

    In this class, students will work with a minimal palette and continue to create their own colors while learning how to control the temperature of the painting. They will learn about different brush techniques and how to create a painting with depth. Students will also learn how to blend and create perspective. They will paint 2-3 paintings inspired by their own creativity during this 5 week course. All materials included.

    Instructor: Jamie Monaghan 

    Dates: Mondays 5/12 - 6/16

    5 sessions


    Time: 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm

    Because this class is after office hours, please use the red side door to enter.

    Add a 1-year Student Membership -just $25! and choose member pricing now!

    Cancellation Policy: Registrations may be cancelled up to seven days before the start of class by contacting the office. Cancellation of this class will result in a $25 cancellation fee, to be deducted from the refund amount.

    • May 15, 2025
    • May 22, 2025
    • 2 sessions
    • North Hills Art Center
    • 12

    Registration deadline: May 8

    Ages 16+

    Come learn about traditional techniques of Chinese brush painting. You will learn about Chinese ink, rice paper, color, texture, composition and the aesthetic principles of Chinese brush painting. Through hands-on practice, you will develop technical skills such as loading the brush with ink and water and dry and wet brush stroke control. All materials included. 

    Instructor: Sheila Hawthorne Klotz

    Date: 5/15 & 5/22

    2 sessions

    Time: 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm 

    Cancellation Policy: Registrations may be cancelled up to seven days before the start of class by contacting the office. Cancellation of this class will result in a $25 cancellation fee, to be deducted from the refund amount.

    • May 29, 2025
    • June 05, 2025
    • 2 sessions
    • North Hills Art Center
    • 11

    Registration deadline: May 22

    Ages 16+

    Explore acrylic painting with the pallet knife technique. Learn to wield the knife confidently, creating bold textures and vibrant colors. Dive into color theory and composition principles to convey your artistic vision effectively. All materials included. 

    Instructor: Sheila Hawthorne Klotz

    Date: Thursdays 5/29 & 6/5

    2 sessions

    Time: 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm

    Cancellation Policy: Registrations may be cancelled up to seven days before the start of class by contacting the office. Cancellation of this class will result in a $25 cancellation fee, to be deducted from the refund amount.

    • June 01, 2025
    • June 08, 2025
    • 2 sessions
    • North Hills Art Center
    • 5

    Registration deadline: May 25

    Ages 18+

    Learn how to make beautiful, artistic books that can become journals, sketchbooks, albums and more. This is not a scrapbooking class. Beginner Bookbinding will explain what tools are necessary, what's nice to have and what will work for books. You'll learn how to determine what materials to use and how to handle them. Basic paper folding, building a punching cradle and simple sewn books will all be covered.  You will leave with books, handouts and both local and online resources for future projects. All materials included.

    Instructor: Lily Hoy

    Dates: Sundays 6/1 & 6/8


    Time: 1:30 pm - 4:00 pm

    Because this class is after office hours, please use the red side door to enter.

    Cancellation Policy: Registrations may be cancelled up to seven days before the start of class by contacting the office. Cancellation of this class will result in a $25 cancellation fee, to be deducted from the refund amount.

    • June 12, 2025
    • 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM
    • North Hills Art Center
    • 10

    Registration deadline: June 5

    Ages 16+

    Let's make some wearable art! We will be painting with watercolors to make these fun and one-of-a-kind original pendants to wear and share. They make lovely handmade gifts that your friends and family will love. All materials included. 

    Instructor: Sheila Hawthorne Klotz

    Date: Thursday 6/12

    1 session

    Time: 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm

    Cancellation Policy: Registrations may be cancelled up to seven days before the start of class by contacting the office. Cancellation of this class will result in a $25 cancellation fee, to be deducted from the refund amount.

North Hills Art Center

3432 Babcock Blvd | Pittsburgh, PA 15237

(412) 364-3622 


© 2023 North Hills Art Center

The NHAC is a 501(c)3 Non-Profit Organization

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