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 Featured Artist: 

 Kenneth James Hall 

The North Hills Art Center is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization governed by a dedicated volunteer Board of Directors comprised of business and civic leaders from the community, artists and creative professionals, and local patrons of the arts. The Board meets monthly. Members of the Board chair annual events such as the Summer Solstice Raku Party and the Holiday Artisan Market.

Three part-time employees run the day to day operations at the Art Center: an Executive Director, an Operations Manager, and an Office Assistant.

We couldn’t do all we do without our devoted volunteers who assist with everything from gardening, maintenance, office assistance, and more!


Diane Pontoriero, President

Stacy Koehler, Vice President
Sarah McMullen, Secretary

Eva Pontoriero, Treasurer
Ken Steinmiller
Ruthann Farinacci
Deborah Letterle
Jeanine Murch
Maureen Knecht Newcamp

Casey Patton

Ali Robinette
Anita Steinmiller


Kim Freithaler, Executive Director

Lisa Hortert, Operations Manager

Saige Runyan, Office Administrator

North Hills Art Center

3432 Babcock Blvd | Pittsburgh, PA 15237

(412) 364-3622 


© 2023 North Hills Art Center

The NHAC is a 501(c)3 Non-Profit Organization

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