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 Featured Artist: 

 Kenneth James Hall 


If you need help after office hours registering for classes, please see these tips. Thank you!

Celebrate the diverse history of our community with North Hills Art Center heritage workshops.


All proceeds benefit a relevant charity or nonprofit. 

National Heritage Workshops

    • April 13, 2025
    • 3:30 PM - 5:30 PM
    • North Hills Art Center
    • 3

    Registration deadline: April 6

    Ages 10+

    Weave Your Own Tartan Plaid Square! Join us for a fun and creative class where you'll learn the steps to weave a beautiful tartan plaid square! Using a simple square frame, a large eye needle and 3 colors of yarn, you'll discover the techniques to create classic plaid patterns.  Perfect for adding a person touch to your projects or gifts.  All materials included.

    Instructor: Deb Tobin

    Date: Sunday 4/13

    Time: 3:30 pm - 5:30 pm

    Because this class is after office hours, please use the red side door to enter.

    • May 18, 2025
    • 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM
    • North Hills Art Center
    • 8

    Registration deadline: May 11

    Ages 10+

    Legends say that shadow puppetry originated over two thousand years algo in China during the Han Dynasty. Shadow puppet shows were used in family and community celebrations such as weddings and funerals.  Many of the provinces of China each had their unique way creating the shadow puppets. Come join us and learn this ancient Chinese art form. All materials included.

    Instructor: Elise Neill

    Date: Sunday 5/18

    Time: 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm

    Because this class is after office hours, please use the red side door to enter.

North Hills Art Center

3432 Babcock Blvd | Pittsburgh, PA 15237

(412) 364-3622 


© 2023 North Hills Art Center

The NHAC is a 501(c)3 Non-Profit Organization

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