Registration deadline: March 31
Ages 16+
Whether you are just starting out or looking to hone existing skills, this workshop offers tools to help you gain more control in your work. We will learn basic watercolor physics, practice 3 foundational wash techniques and learn to avoid the watercolorist's most common pitfall.
Instructor: Saige Runyan
Date: Sunday 4/6
1 session
Time: 10:00 am - 12:30 pm
The following materials are suggestions, and do not need to be followed to the letter. Bring what you have. You will get the best experience out of the workshop if your materials are fairly similar. This is also a decent starting kit for watercolor painting in general.
I recommend shopping online at Blick Art Materials, Cheap Joe's Art Stuff, or Jerry's Artarama, as they will have the best prices. Alternatively, you should be able to find these supplies on Amazon or at any art supply store.
Feel free to contact the art center if you have questions.
- Large round watercolor brush (such as size 12).
- 11"x14" sheet of 100% cotton cold or rough press watercolor paper. Although it can be pricey, quality watercolor paper will make wash control significantly easier. I usually use Arches cold press 140 lb paper. For the best value, purchase a full sheet (22"x30") and I can show you how to tear it down to the desired size.
- Watercolor mixing palette.
- Pencil and eraser.
- 1" roll of masking or painter's tape.
- Watercolor paint in the primary colors (red, blue, and yellow). Pans work just fine, but tubes provide more paint for the price, and may be squeezed into empty pans to dry. For example:
- Indian Yellow (a warm yellow)
- Pyrrol Scarlet (a warm red)
- Cobalt Blue (a neutral blue)
For examples of appropriate materials, click here.
Because this class is after office hours, please use the red side door to enter.
Cancellation Policy: Registrations may be cancelled up to seven days before the start of class by contacting the office. Cancellation of this class will result in a $25 cancellation fee, to be deducted from the refund amount.