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 Featured Artist: 

 Jamie Monaghan 

Cancellation Policy: Registrations may be cancelled up to seven days before the start of class by contacting the office. Cancellation will result in a $25 cancellation fee, to be deducted from the refund amount.

If your class is after office hours, please use the red side door to enter! This includes any class after 3 p.m. or over the weekend.

F2 Tribute Tile: Bridge

  • April 30, 2025




Make a gift to the North Hills Art Center to help further our mission of bringing art to the community.

Your donation helps us offer low cost classes, ARTreach programs, free lectures, events and gallery shows year round. Thank you.

Tile dedication is limited to a maximum 20 characters/spaces per line.

Need 2 of the same tile?  Call the office for assistance or add a second one to your account, and choose "new registration" both times it comes up as an option.

North Hills Art Center

3432 Babcock Blvd | Pittsburgh, PA 15237

(412) 364-3622 


© 2023 North Hills Art Center

The NHAC is a 501(c)3 Non-Profit Organization

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