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 Featured Artist: 

 Jamie Monaghan 

Cancellation Policy: Registrations may be cancelled up to seven days before the start of class by contacting the office. Cancellation will result in a $25 cancellation fee, to be deducted from the refund amount.

If your class is after office hours, please use the red side door to enter! This includes any class after 3 p.m. or over the weekend.

GC-50 $50 Gift Certificate

  • December 04, 2025


$50 Gift Certificate

We will process your purchase of a $50 Gift Certificate and mail it to you or directly to the recipient, per your preference.

Recipients can call the office and we can handle the entire registration process over the phone for them.

NHAC Gift Certificates can be used anytime and do not expire.

North Hills Art Center

3432 Babcock Blvd | Pittsburgh, PA 15237

(412) 364-3622 


© 2023 North Hills Art Center

The NHAC is a 501(c)3 Non-Profit Organization

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